Monday, January 12, 2009

THings I have learned from ANthony Bourdain

In NYC, don't eat fish on sunday or monday - the best days are Tuesday through Saturday (note the appropriate capitalization). Anthony claims Tuesday and Thursday the best days to order fish. The weekends have fresh food too, but are busier and hence the preparers will not be as attentive to the meal that you are about to digest.

NEVER eat something with hollandaise sauce, this stuff is filled with emulsified egg and has a higher chance of getting you sick than other things.

The same goes for mussels. These usually sit in their own urine for an elongated period of time. Don't eat unless you're at a very good restaurant.

Rarely eat Sunday brunch - chefs hate brunch for some reason, not the least of which is the fact they got wasted the night before.

"Discounted" sushi means that the sushi is old and bad.

A restaurant's bathroom is a reflection of the cleanliness of its' kitchen.

Most chef's save their toughest meats (i.e. the worst cuts) for those that take the meat well done.

Chef's despise vegans and vegetarians.

Pigs might be filthy animals, but do you really think chickens are raised in better conditions? Chicken has the highest risk of contamination - but I think this statistic is skewed because it is probably the most popular meat of all time. Coincidentally, chicken is also boring and will make the chef think of you as a simpleton.

If a restaurant is very busy then the chances of the food's freshness are practically guaranteed. This is due to the high turnover rate. Don't eat at half-empty restaurants with a varied menu.

more to come


leecifer said...

...dimitris would argue that the french and sebatier make a fine blade. i'm particularly fond of my $12 china town cleaver. i use it for everything. my 8" chef's knife is still number's the first thing i grab when i start to cook.

something everyone should know and practice while eating in a restaurant... never, never, ever piss off your waiter. ever. that's the quickest way to get a bottle full of visine in your iced tea, and then spend the next 6 hours in the bathroom screaming.

hollandaise. no dice.

don't go out to eat and show up 10 minutes before the kitchen closes. the chefs are already cleaning, and they will be pissed.

if you are land locked and not anywhere near the sea... only eat fish on tuesdays and thursdays as the restaurants get their fish shipped in on these days.

sunday brunch is saturday night's leftovers.

and if you like to cook and entertain your friends and family... it's always a good idea to get everyone just a little drunk before dinner. the food will taste good even if you screw it up.

J-Chrome said...

About the land locked comment - I don't think it matters too much (the USA in particular) about your geographic location with most fish. Tuna comes from halfway around the world, I don't care if I eat it in NYC or Wichita. Well... I do care... I'd rather eat the tuna in NYC but not because the city is next to the ocean. The reason is that there is much more demand for tuna in NYC than there is in wichi. As long as the fish is the same age I'll eat it anywhere.