Thursday, August 13, 2009

Funkee Dream

So last night was an interesting one.

I was late for work and left wearing sneakers, some board shorts and a ratty polo. For some reason, it didn't occur to me that this attire was not going to fly with my bosses. I got around the corner and realized that I had to turn back to change. But to get back to my apartment I had to go through a skate shop and through a side door. Then I had to go through another random door in a bike shop.

I then had to get out of this neighborhood but didn't know my bearings. An Asian lady was putting barbed wire across the street and I couldn't jump over it so I had to crawl. Some major alarm system (city wide alarm system) went off and I couldn't hear myself think. I had to take refuge in the closest house. All of my friends had shown up to hang out but we couldn't talk because of how loud the alarm was.

Anyway, the climax was when this woman who was sitting in a chair confessed to me that she was indeed, a werewolf and that she had to reincarnate herself through me and her children needed to eat my hands. So she brought in her children, who, by then, had transmogrified into various beastly creatures. I found all of this hilarious. Especially the kid who didn't really have a face but rather a huge mouth covered in razor sharp canines.
My hands being eaten from little werewolf kids, I blacked out and woke up in a black and white world where all of the kids had grown up to be one nice leave-it to beaver style family - all of their hands were huge.

The mother, who was old by then - said goodbye - and I woke up.

Oh - so back to reality. I had walked through the SUPREME Skate shop a couple days ago and next door to it is an awesome bike shop.